Name: 5 BoxPvP keys [1 Bonus]
You'll get 5 keys and everyone online will get 1 keys.
You'll get the keys when you are online to prevent scamming or losing the key due to full inventory or being offline on the purchase.
All items have the same odds of being obtained
- x64 Diamond Block
- x56 Emerald Bloc
- x64 Gold Block
- x16 Ender Pearl
- x32 Moneda MANGO
- x64 Enchanted Golden Apple
- x64 Emerald Block
- x64 Bloque del LION
- x52 Bloque del GORILA
- x27 Moneda PLATANO
- x64 Gold Block
- Sword MARIO
Sharpness 36
Effect Strength II - Head MARIO
Protection 36
Effect Night Vision - Elytras MARIO
Protection 36
Unbreakable - Leggings MARIO
Protection 36
Effect Haste I - Boots MARIO
Protection 36
Effect Speed II
- Offhand MARIO
+120% Attack Damage
+700% Knockback Resistance
+350% Max Health
+80% Attack Speed
+38% Speed - Pickaxe MARIO
Efficiency 36
- x10 Enchanted Golden Apple
- x15 Enchanted Golden Apple